Where women

ignite their vitality







a person who is passionate about a particular cause, typically inciting change and taking

radical action



Read my story  ➝

I believe anyone can improve their health, at any age.

I use my clinical expertise, and passion for nutrition and fitness to empower women to age with wellness and vitality.

My goal is to help you live up to your healthiest potential...now, and beyond.


Are you looking for a reset?

Are you feeling tired and run down? Does it seem that you just don't have the energy to power through anymore? Have you noticed changes to your body that feel unwelcome and out of control? 

Have you been told this is all an unavoidable part of aging? That it's all in your head? 

I disagree. Women are capable of becoming strong, lean, energetic powerhouses at any age. 

Women are not

small men

Have you tried a diet along with a male partner, only to give up in frustration as he lost weight and you were left tired and hungry? Have you followed advice from popular press and social media and ended up nowhere?

You are not alone, my friend. Most dietary and health studies are conducted in men, not women. A woman's physiology is unique, and "one size fits all" approaches do not work.


It's different here 

Think of Firebrand Wellness as your home for scientifically validated, practice-informed health and wellness information curated specifically for women.

From informative blog articles to online courses, this is the place to get the best nutrition, exercise and lifestyle advice for your unique needs.

Join us...

and take radical action 

You deserve wellness tools designed for women.

Learn how to sleep, eat, and move to age with vitality. 

Become the woman you want to be: energetic, focused, fit, and vibrant. 

Learn more here.

Stay in touch!


Sign up for the newsletter and receive my free guide,

10 Facts I Want Every Perimenopausal Woman To Know


If you sat down with me to discuss perimenopause, this guide would be the result!

You'll also get updates on new courses, exclusive offers, and useful tips. 

We never sell your information or spam you. Unsubscribe at any time.